Session Description

Wing Man Chin is a proven example of how you can flourish under MDRT’s influence, and he believes MDRT’s mission is the core of a successful, lasting career. In this session, Wing shares the key values he believes differentiate MDRT members from other industry professionals. He also discusses how to make the most of MDRT membership and shares lessons he has learned as a member. Presented in Cantonese language.


Wing Man Chin is a nine-year MDRT member and regional director of Prudential Assurance Company Ltd. He holds platinum-level leadership status as an international member of the Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business. He was awarded the Hong Kong Management Association’s Outstanding Young Salesperson Award in 2002.

Prudential Hong Kong Limited
Ste 405 Festival Walk
Kowloon Hong Kong SAR


Date and Time

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
10:00-11:30 a.m.


Cantonese Language

