With the estate tax exemptions at 5.45 million dollars, many planners wonder why transferring wealth is important, however there are many hidden benefits that may be achieved including income tax reduction, and qualification for certain government benefits. This session will explore actual cases and demonstrate how, by using time-tested strategies, families can better structure their wealth and long-range goals, while providing useful benefits to younger or older generations as needed. Additionally, these life insurance strategies can help those dealing with blended marriages and divorce preserve family harmony and certainty. We will explore case studies of a high-net-worth couple trying to reduce estate- and income taxes, and parents of successful children who need income for living and long-term care expenses.


Stickney is a 23-year MDRT member with four Court of the Table and 15 Top of the Table honors. In 1996, he founded Stickney Research on a passion for solving complex financial problems and a desire to help people fulfill their dreams. Prior to that, Stickney was a top 50 producer for Mutual of New York, where he headed the estate planning division for six years. From classes at the Aspen Institute to forums on current and pending tax laws through The Economist Intelligence and The White House Business Leaders, Stickney spends more than 60 days a year on continuing education to broaden his knowledge and offer clients a holistic approach to problem solving.